Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso--Milagro en el desastre | Vídeo evangelizador "La bendición de Dios"

People often say, “Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight.” Today when the science and technology, transportation, and material life develop fast, people find that the disasters around seem to increase with each passing day.
When we read the newspaper or watch TV, what leaps to our eyes mostly are serious or extremely serious natural or man-made disasters, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, social unrests, civil riots, and so on. These disasters happen frequently and their grades also continuously increase. What is left to the places attacked by the disasters is nothing but pain, blood, injury, and death. ... These misfortunes happening around us at every moment highlight the transiency and fragility of life. We are unable to predict what disasters we will encounter in future, much less know where to go and what to do in disasters and what mankind should do to change their destiny of being destroyed. However, this issue cannot be avoided by anyone. In the following program, you will find the answer and find the only way by which you can be kept by God and come out from the disasters and be left.… Relámpago Oriental | La Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso surgió en China por la obra de la segunda venida del Señor Jesús, el Cristo de los últimos días, "Dios Todopoderoso", y no es establecida por ninguna persona. Cristo es la verdad, el camino y la vida. Después de leer la palabra de Dios, verás que Dios ha aparecido. Aviso Legal: Este vídeo es un producto de uso público realizado de forma independiente por la Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso. Todos los actores y actrices en este vídeo actúan para el público y son voluntarios. Publicamos esta producción audiovisual sin cobrar a terceros, e invitamos a todos para que lo compartan. Sin la aprobación de la Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso, está prohibido que cualquier organización, grupo social o persona falsifique o distorsione este vídeo.
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